I didn't post for a while, but not because I was not working. Uncontrary, I was working on some projects, but I didn't want to post anything until they were officialy published. One of these projects is this wonderful CD for children called "LALALAA". Author of the CD is my friend Dzenan Selmanagic, publisher of the CD is Tropik Zenica, design was done by Ideologija Sarajevo, and I did all these illustrations you can see in this post. There are 11 great songs for kids (guests on the songs are Laka, Marija Husar and Ivana Husar) and 9 stories for the kids, told by the legendary Zijah Sokolovic.
The official presentation of the CD will happen this saturday on 09.06.2012. at 11:00 in Mercator Sarajevo.

It's finally published!!! Yeeeey! Great work, both of you, I am proud! Can't wait to hold the CD in my hands! :) Characters are too cute! Bravo!!! :)))))
ReplyDeleteThank you! Characters are cute, but not nearly as cute as you with your comments!!! ;-)
ReplyDeletehihihihihi Only a cute person can draw such cute characters! :*
Deletemoram imati ovo:))
ReplyDeleteMislim da je CD vec u prodaji, ako ne onda ce biti od 9.6.2012. sigurno kad je i promocija u Mercatoru. :-)
ReplyDeleteZdr, ovo je zaista fantastično! Svaka čast! Gdje se može naći cd? Nije mi do pjesme već do ovih preslatkih crteža :D :D ;)
ReplyDeleteHehehe, hvala Sele puno! CD se moze naci sigurno u Mercatoru, ali mislim da se moze naci i po ostalim knjizarama i radnjama u Sarajevu i BiH, ako ne sada onda kroz koji dan sigurno... Trebao bi da bude i stand na Kids Festivalu, ali u to nisam 100% siguran. :-) Hvala jos jednom!
ReplyDeleteVidjela sam štand na Kids-u ;) doduše, od djece nisam mogla prići pa se nadam da ću sutra ;)
ReplyDeleteHehehe... cool! Trebao bih svratiti da vidim na sta to lici... mogu mislit' krkljanca. :-D