February 10, 2015

Dylan Dog collection and illustration

Here is a photo of my Dylan Dog ultimate ex-Yugoslav, Croatian and Serbian collection, how I like to call it. :)

And this illustration was inspired by the recent events in Sergio Bonelli Editore. New, young and talented scriptwriter Roberto Recchioni (on the right) got a blessing from the Dylan Dog creator Tiziano Sclavi (on the left) on one event for taking over the chief editor position in Dylan Dog from the former editor. Recchioni is supposed to give new life into the comic which had lot of creative problems in the past years, especially regarding the scripts. 
But, Dylan Dog and his long term friend Inspector Bloch are not so happy with the news, because Recchioni will make some crucial changes in the series, including retiring of Inspector Bloch.


  1. Ti si Dylan Dog pčelica :D Vrijedno radiš i skupljaš, ovo je beton!

    1. Hvala Sele... Skupljalo se godinama, kamarilo, a evo sad i uredno poslozilo da im se mogu diviti. ;)

  2. Zavidim ti na ovome, ne mogu se nagledati slike, sa takvom kolekcijom, sumnjam da bih izasao iz sobe mjesec - dva :D

    1. Hehehe, ma nemas sta da zavidis, pocnes skupljati i polako. I ja ih skupljam negdje od sredine devedesetih pa do danas. ;) A sto se tice kolekcije, sada je jos i veca, ovo je slika negdje s pocetka godne, dosta DD epizoda u raznim izdanjima je izaslo od tada.
